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Anthony Wu
Sep 26, 20237 min read
The Fall 2023 Edition of Asia Week New York
And that's a wrap for this Fall edition of Asia Week New York! The September Asia Week tends be smaller scaled than the March Asia Week...

Anthony Wu
Apr 2, 20237 min read
USD $2.5 Million for a (small) Song Dynasty Vase at Asia Week New York 2023!
This past Asia Week in New York saw strong prices across the board for Chinese works of art including Chinese porcelain and ceramics,...

Anthony Wu
Oct 4, 202210 min read
September 2022 NYC Asia Week - Imperial Chinese Porcelain and Fantastic Jades Carvings!
And that wraps up another New York Asia Week! The last couple of months has been wonderful for the Asian art market, even a resurgence of...

Anthony Wu
Sep 10, 20222 min read
A Summer of Reminisce with Kawase Hasui
I can't believe summer is almost over! This means that the Asian art auction season will be commencing once again (and A LOT of my...

Anthony Wu
Mar 29, 20228 min read
March NYC Asia Week 2022 - Imperial Porcelain, Imperial Bronzes, and a Very Grumpy Monkey!
It's been a very busy March! During the beginning of the month, I was finishing up various Asian art appraisal projects while also...

Anthony Wu
Nov 5, 20219 min read
USD 2.45 Million Chinese Falangcai Vase and other Highlights from September NYC Asia Week 2021!!!
And as promised, here are some highlights from my trip to Asia Week NYC in September! This trip had a lot of meaning for me because it...

Anthony Wu
Sep 18, 20214 min read
The MacLean Collection of Ancient Chinese Bronzes at Sotheby's New York
And I'm back in New York City for Asia Week! Traveling to the Asian art shows in NYC was one of the major things I missed during the...

Anthony Wu
Apr 8, 20162 min read
New York Asia Week 2016 - A Visit to Asia Society
The 2016 Asia Week New York took place from the 10th to 19th of March. This was my ninth consecutive Asia Week and I am still impressed...

Anthony Wu
Feb 22, 20163 min read
Welcome to Anthony Wu Art!
Thank you for visiting my new website and reading my first blog! Many people may have met me over the past decade while I was the head...
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