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Asian Jewelry and Ritual Objects on Display at the Art Institute of Chicago

Writer: Anthony WuAnthony Wu

Updated: Feb 17

Just got back from a 4-day trip to Chicago! Despite the scorching hot weather (which seems to be the trend along the East Coast these days), it was a fantastic time. The highlights include trying out new restaurants, visiting the Art Institute of Chicago, attending a Christie’s Chicago Asian Art preview, and visiting friends at Asian House of Chicago.

The Asian Art galleries at the Art Institute features one of most chronologically complete collections in all of North America. It also features many ‘star’ pieces that I will go into with more detail in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, I wanted to bring to attention a special exhibition at the Art Institute that is closing on August 21st! Vanishing Beauty: Asian Jewelry and Ritual Objects from the Barbara and David Kipper Collection features over 300 items from the Asian continent. With a focus on nomadic, tribal and religious cultures, the show emphasizes the superb craftsmanship of these groups, and how their history is slowly disappearing because of modernization.

The regions covered by this exhibition is vast and includes China, Mongolia, the Himalayan region, Central Asia, South East Asia, India, and the Islamic World. I’ve attached a couple of my photos from this show including:

1. A Pair of Large Earrings with the Face of Glory

19th Century, Kathmandu Valley Nepal

Gilt Bronze, coral and semi-precious hardstones

2. Oracle Diadem

19th Century, Tibet

Gilt Bronze, silver and semi-precious hardstones

3. Vase of Longevity

19th Century, Kathmandu Valley Nepal

Rock crystal, gilt bronze and semi-precious hardstones

4. Magnificent Woman's Crown

First Half 20th Century, Miao People, Guizhou Province China


5. Married Woman's Headdress

Late 19th Century, Mongolia

Silver filigree, coral and lacquered wig

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