My Instagram account now has over 2,500 followers! A big THANK YOU to everyone who has been following @anthonywuart and liking my posts over the past few years. It's such an incredible feeling to reach this major milestone!
Since I started in the summer of 2016, I have had a lot of fun building up my IG account and showcasing my travels from around the world (this also includes the odd food pic!).
My most 'liked' posts typically feature my examination of highlight (and really expensive) Chinese art objects at international auction houses in New York, Hong Kong and London, and showcasing notable Asian artworks at important museums. I'll definitely keep this going!

You may have noticed a slight lull during the peak of the pandemic, but I am now up and running since the start of summer. From August until October, I have already been to Boston, Chicago, New York, Toronto and Montreal.
Please keep checking in with my IG posts and my website blogs to read about my recent news, travel events, publications and appraisal work.
In the coming weeks, I will be putting together a wrap-up of September and October. This includes my trip to New York Asia Week (which I previewed through The MacLean Collection last month).
Also of note is my second Asian art auction I put together at Heffel Gallery for October and my sourcing from local collections four pieces of 14th and early 15th Century Chinese porcelain wares for the Gardiner Museum. These four items are featured in their new major exhibition Renaissance Venice: Life and Luxury at the Crossroads.
One of these impressive porcelain wares can be seen below, a very rare Chinese blue and white hexafoil bowl. It was made during the Xuande period (1426-1435) of the Ming Dynasty. Even though it was produced for the Ming Court, examples of this type of porcelain was found throughout the Silk Road. Hence you can see the bowl grouped together with Islamic objects from the 14th and 15th Century.

Anyways, more to come and I'll keep you all posted!